our perfect piece

I prefer my home have a minimal effect when it comes to home decor. Artwork and other home items tend to clutter my mind as well as my house. Over time I have come to learn that the less chaotic my house is, the more at ease I am. With that being said, I am not one to purchase art but then I found this piece…

This sketched drawing is from the shop of Bible Sketches on Etsy! One of the goals of our household is that our family is supportive and loyal to each other. I want, more than anything, for our children to come to the need of one another in lives of each other. When I first read the story of when Moses’ story of when he needed help, not just for himself, but for his entire family. Those who came to help were his brother and his sister’s son. The story that is depicted here in this beautiful sketch is found in Exodus 17:8-13;

The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. Moses said to Joshua, “Pick out some men to go and fight the Amalekites tomorrow. I will stand on top of the hill holding the stick that God told me to carry.” 10 Joshua did as Moses commanded him and went out to fight the Amalekites, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. 11 As long as Moses held up his arms, the Israelites won, but when he put his arms down, the Amalekites started winning. 12 When Moses' arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down. 13 In this way Joshua totally defeated the Amalekites.”

This piece spoke to me in the way I hope inspires us to tell of this story to any and everyone who sees this in our home. May it be a daily reminder to everyone to be more patient, loving, but most of all, be the support to one another when we grow weary.


teen room with Style


purple pool party